Reference bibliography

David H. Bailey, editor
Updated 29 September 2024 (c) 2024

This is a bibliography of references cited by articles on the and other blogs. Items are listed alphabetically by label. Some of the online items may require a paid fee or subscription. All online links were checked and updated as needed on 27 March 2022 or more recently, but if you note errors or encounter dead online links, please notify the editor.

For a bibliography of technical articles written by Bailey, see technical articles.

  1. [Abbot2023] D. Abbot, A. Bikfalvi, A.L. Bleske-Rechek, W. Bodmer, P. Boghossian, C.M. Carvalho, J. Ciccolini, J.A. Coyne, J. Gauss, P.M.W. Gill, S. Jitomirskaya, L. Jussim, A.I. Krylov, G.C. Loury, L. Maroja, J.H. McWhorter, S. Moosavi, P. Nayna Schwerdtle, J. Pearl, M.A. Quintanilla-Tornel, H.F. Schaefer III, P.R. Schreiner, P. Schwerdtfeger, D. Shechtman, M. Shifman, J. Tanzman, B.L. Trout, A. Warshel, and J.D. West, "In defense of merit in science," Journal of Controversial Ideas, vol. 3 (2023), no. 1, available at PDF.
  2. [Abiogenesis2022] [no author] "Abiogenesis," Wikipedia, not dated but viewed 27 Mar 2022, available at HTML.
  3. [Abrahamse1988] Allan F. Abrahamse, "Beyond stereotypes: Who becomes a single teenage mother?," Rand Corporation, 1988, available at PDF.
  4. [Achenbach2021] Joel Achenbach, Carolyn Y. Johnson, Lena H. Sun and Brittany Shammas, "'Goldilocks virus': Delta vanquishes all variant rivals as scientists race to understand its tricks," Washington Post, 8 Aug 2021, available at HTML.
  5. [Aczel2014] Amir Aczel, Why Science Does Not Disprove God, William Morrow, New York, 2014.
  6. [Adam2022] David Adam, "COVID's true death toll: much higher than official records," Nature, 10 Mar 2022, available at HTML.
  7. [AgeoftheEarth2014] [no author] "Age of the earth," Wikipedia, not dated but viewed 27 Mar 2022, available at HTML.
  8. [Agrawal1998] Vikas Agrawal, Stephen M. Barr, John F. Donoghue and David Seckel, "The anthropic principle and the mass scale of the standard model," Physical Review Letters, vol. 80 (1998), pg. 1822-1825, available at PDF.
  9. [Aguirre2009] Anthony Aguirre, "Making predictions in a multiverse: conundrums, dangers, coincidences," 2009, in [Carr2009].
  10. [AIModels2022] [no author], "Huge 'foundation models' are turbo-charging AI progress," Economist, 11 Jun 2022, available at HTML.
  11. [AIG-Flood2016] [no author] "The flood," Answers in Genesis, not dated but viewed 27 Mar 2022, available at HTML.
  12. [Allen2010] David L. Allen, "A reply to Tom Nettles' review of William A. Dembski's The end of Christianity: Finding a good God in an evil world," Feb 2010, available at HTML.
  13. [AlphaGo2017] [no author], "The latest AI can work things out without being taught," The Economist, 21 Oct 2017, available at HTML.
  14. [Amira2010] Dan Amira, "GOP's Delaware senate nominee Christine O'Donnell not a big fan of evolution," New York Magazine, 15 Sep 2010, available at HTML.
  15. [Amit2017] Gilead Amit, "Dark energy is mutating, with grave consequences for the cosmos," New Scientist, 6 Dec 2017, available at HTML.
  16. [Amoateng1986] Achaempong Yaw Amoateng and Stephen J. Bahr, "Religion, family, and adolescent drug use," Sociological Perspectives, vol. 29 (1986), pp. 53-73, available at HTML.
  17. [Anderson2009] Kevin Anderson, "The wonderful unscientific teachings of Christianity," Answers in Genesis, 26 Feb 2009, available at HTML.
  18. [Ananthaswamy2019] Anil Ananthaswamy, "Best-yet measurements deepen cosmological crisis," Scientific American, 22 Mar 2019, available at HTML.
  19. [Andrews2019] Robin George Andrews, "'Toffee planets' hint at Earth's cosmic rarity," Scientific American, 3 Apr 2019, available at HTML.
  20. [Arango2023] Tim Arango and Campbell Robertson, "After Rise in Murders During the Pandemic, a Sharp Decline in 2023," New York Times, 29 Dec 2023, available at HTML.
  21. [Armour2009] Sean M. Armour and five others, "Inhibition of mammalian S6 kinase by resveratrol suppresses autophagy," Aging, 3 Jun 2009, available at HTML.
  22. [Armstrong2008] Karen Armstrong, The Bible: A Biography, Grove Press, New York, 2008.
  23. [Armstrong2009] Karen Armstrong, The Case for God, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2009.
  24. [Aron2015] Jacob Aron, "Race to find the first exomoon heats up," New Scientist, 17 Mar 2015, available at HTML.
  25. [Aronowitz1988] Stanley Aronowitz, Science as Power: Discourse and Ideology in Modern Society, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, 1988.
  26. [Aronowitz1996] Stanley Aronowitz, "The politics of the science wars," Social Text, no. 46-47 (Spring-Summer 1996), pg 177-197.
  27. [Astronomers2024] [no author] "Astronomers uncover risks to planets that could host life," University of Cambridge, 5 Aug 2024, available at HTML.
  28. [Augustine1887] Saint Augustine, "Reply to Faustus the Manichean," 26.3, in Philip Schaff, ed., Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, vol. 4, Christian Literature Co., 1887, available at HTML.
  29. [Augustine1952] St. Augustine, Marcus Dods (trans.), "The city of God," Great Books of the Western World, vol. 18, Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, 1952.
  30. [Augustine1982] Saint Augustine, "The literal meaning of Genesis," in J. H. Taylor, trans., Ancient Christian Writers, Newman Press, 1982, vol. 1.
  31. [Aune2003] David E. Aune, "Cosmology," Westminster Dictionary of the New Testament and Early Christian Literature, Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, KY, 2003.
  32. [Avise2010] John C. Avise, Inside the Human Genome: A Case for Non-Intelligent Design, Oxford University Press, New York, 2010.
  33. [Axe2017] Douglas Axe, Undeniable: How Biology Confirms that Life Is Designed, HarperOne, New York, 2017.
  34. [Ayala2007] Francisco J. Ayala, Darwin's Gift to Science and Religion, Joseph Henry Press, Washington, DC, 2007.
  35. [Ayala2010] Francisco J. Ayala, Am I a Monkey? Six Big Questions about Evolution, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD, 2010.
  36. [Baah2023] Samuel Kofi Tetteh Baah, R. Andres Castaneda Aguilar, Carolina Diaz-Bonilla, Tony Fujs, Cristoph Lakner, Minh Cong Nguyen and Martha Viveros, "March 2023 global poverty update from the World Bank," 29 Mar 2023, available at HTML.
  37. [Baggott2013] Jim Baggott, Farewell to Reality: How Modern Physics Has Betrayed the Search for Scientific Truth, Pegasus Books, London, 2014.
  38. [Bahr1985] Howard M. Bahr and Bruce A. Chadwick, "Religion and family in Middleton, USA," Journal of Marriage and Family, vol. 47 (1985), pg. 407-414.
  39. [Bahrampour2016] Tara Bahrampour, "'There isn't really anything magical about it': Why more millennials are avoiding sex," Washington Post, 2 Aug 2016, available at HTML.
  40. [Bailey2009] David H. Bailey, "Can an evolutionary process generate English text?", Biological Theory, vol. 4 (2009), pg. 125-131, preprint available at PDF.
  41. [Bailey2012] David H. Bailey and Jonathan M. Borwein, "Ancient Indian square roots: An exercise in forensic paleo-mathematics," American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 119 (Oct 2012), pg. 646-657, preprint available at PDF.
  42. [Bailey2014] David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein, Marcos Lopez de Prado and Qiji Jim Zhu, "Pseudo-mathematics and financial charlatanism: The effects of backtest overfitting on out-of-sample performance," Notices of the American Mathematical Society, May 2014, pg. 458-471, available at PDF.
  43. [Bailey2018] David H. Bailey, "2018: The year that artificial intelligence came of age," Math Scholar, 29 Dec 2018, available at HTML.
  44. [Baggott2013] Jim Baggott, Farewell to Reality: How Modern Physics Has Betrayed the Search for Scientific Truth, Pegasus Books, NY, 2013.
  45. [Bakalar2001] Nick Bakalar and Richard Balkin, The Wisdom of Pope John Paul II: The Pope on Life's Most Vital Questions, Vintage Books, New York, 2001.
  46. [Baker1976] Sylvia Baker, Bone of Contention: Is Evolution True?, Evangelical Press, 1976.
  47. [Ball2023] Jude Ball, Richard Grucza, MichaelLivingston, Tomter Bogt, Candace Currie and Margaretha de Looze, "The great decline in adolescent risk behaviours: Unitary trend, separate trends, or cascade?," Social Science and Medicine, vol. 317 (Jan 2023), pg. 115616.
  48. [Banks2001] Tom Banks, Michael Dine and Lubos Motl, "On anthropic solutions of the cosmological constant problem," Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2001 (14 Feb 2001), available at PDF.
  49. [Barbour1997] Ian G. Barbour, Religion and Science: Historical and Contemporary Issues, HarperCollins, San Francisco, 1997.
  50. [Barbour2000] Ian G. Barbour, When Science Meets Religion, HarperCollins, New York, 2000.
  51. [Barnes2013] Luke A. Barnes, "The fine-tuning of the universe for intelligent life," Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, vol. 29 (2 Jan 2013), pg. 529-564, available at PDF.
  52. [Barnes2015] Luke A. Barnes, "Binding the diproton in stars: anthropic limits on the strength of gravity," Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 29 Dec 2015, available at PDF.
  53. [Barnes2017] Luke A. Barnes and Geraint F. Lewis, "Producing the deuteron in stars: anthropic limits on fundamental constants," Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, vol. 2017 (Jul 2017), available at PDF.
  54. [Barnes1981] Barry Barnes and David Bloor, "Relativism, rationalism and the sociology of knowledge," in Rationality and Relativism, M. Hollis and S. Lukes, ed., Blackwell Press, Oxford, UK, 1981.
  55. [Barnes2018] Luke A. Barnes, Pascal J. Elahi, Jaime Salcido, Richard G. Bower, Geraint F. Lewis, Tom Theuns, Matthieu Schaller, Robert A. Crain and Joop Schaye, "Galaxy formation efficiency and the multiverse explanation of the cosmological constant with EAGLE simulations," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 477 (Jul 2018), pg. 3727-3743, available at PDF.
  56. [Barr2007] Stephen M. Barr, "Anthropic tuning of the weak scale and of m(u)/m(d) in two-Higgs-doublet models," Physical Review D, vol. 76 (2007), 045002, available at PDF.
  57. [Barr2010a] Stephen M. Barr, "The end of intelligent design?" First Things, 9 Feb 2010, available at HTML.
  58. [Barr2010b] Stephen M. Barr, "The laws of physics and the design of the universe," in Melville Y. Stewart, ed., Science and Religion in Dialogue, vol. 2, John Wiley, Malden, MA, 2010.
  59. [Barras2017] Colin Barras, "Homo naledi is only 250,000 years old -- here's why that matters," New Scientist, 25 Apr 2017, available at HTML.
  60. [Barringer2011] Felicity Barringer, "New electricity meters stir fears," New York Times, 30 Jan 2011, available at HTML.
  61. [Barrow1986] John D. Barrow and Frank J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Oxford University Press, New York, 1986.
  62. [Barrow2007] John D. Barrow, New Theories of Everything, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2007.
  63. [Barrow2008] John D. Barrow, Simon Conway Morris, Stephen J. Freeland and Charles L. Harper, Jr., ed., Fitness of the Cosmos for Life: Biochemistry and Fine-Tuning, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008.
  64. [Barrow2008a] John D. Barrow, "Chemistry and sensitivity," 2008, in [Barrow2008].
  65. [Barrow2009] John Barrow, "Living in a simulated universe," 2009, in [Carr2009].
  66. [Basaltic1981] Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, Basaltic Volcanism on the Terrestrial Planets, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX, 1981, available at Book.
  67. [Beck2018] Julie Beck, "The new age of astrology," The Atlantic, 16 Jan 2018, available at HTML.
  68. [Beech2011] Martin Beech, "Since when was the Sun a typical star?," Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, vol. 105, pg. 232, available at HTML.
  69. [Behe1994] Michael J. Behe, "Experimental support for regarding functional classes of proteins to be highly isolated from each other," in J. Buell and V. Ahern, ed., Darwinism, Science or Philosphy?, Foundation for Thought and Ethics, Richardson, TX, 1994, also available at HTML.
  70. [Behe1996] Michael J. Behe, Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1996.
  71. [Behe2000] Michael J. Behe, "Philosophical objections to intelligent design: Response to critics," 31 Jul 2000, available at HTML.
  72. [Behe2007] Michael J. Behe, The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism, Free Press, New York, 2007.
  73. [Beil2011] Laura Beil, "The certainty of memory has its day in court," New York Times, 28 Nov 2011, available at HTML.
  74. [Bell2011] Michael A. Bell, Windsor E. Aguirre and Nathaniel J. Buck, "Twelve years of contemporary armor evolution in a threespine stickleback population," Evolution, vol. 58 (2004), pg. 814-24, available at HTML.
  75. [Bentley1962] W. A. Bentley and W. J. Humphreys, Snow Crystals, Dover, 1962.
  76. [Bergman1999] Jerry Bergman, "Darwinism and the Nazi race holocaust," Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, vol. 13, no. 2 (Nov 1999), pg. 101-111.
  77. [Berlin2001] Adele Berlin, "Cosmology and creation," The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion, Oxford University Press, London, 2011.
  78. [Bhanoo2013] Sindya N. Bhanoo, "Milk of human kindness also found in bonobos," New York Times, 7 Jan 2013, available at HTML.
  79. [Billings2015] Lee Billings, "Alien supercivilizations absent from 100,000 nearby galaxies," Scientific American, 17 Apr 2015, available at HTML.
  80. [Billings2016] Lee Billings, "$100-million plan will send probes to the nearest star," Scientific American, 12 Apr 2016, available at HTML.
  81. [Bishop2010] George F. Bishop, Randal K. Thomas and Jason A. Wood, "Americans' scientific knowledge and beliefs about human evolution in the year of Darwin," Reports of the National Center for Science Education, vol. 30, no. 3, pg. 16-18, available at HTML.
  82. [Bjorken2001] James D. Bjorken, "Standard model parameters and the cosmological constant," Physical Review D, vol. 64 (25 Sep 2001), pg. 085008, available at PDF.
  83. [Bjorken2009] James D. Bjorken, "The definition and classification of universes," 2009, in [Carr2009].
  84. [Blackwell2002] Richard J. Blackwell, "Galileo Galilei," in [Ferngren2002].
  85. [Blau2017] Francine D. Blau and Anne E. Winkler, "Women, work and family," National Bureau of Economic Research, Aug 2017, available at PDF.
  86. [Blum2012] Jason N. Blum, "Dawkins in wisdom's garden," Theology and Science, vol. 10 (2012), pg. 199-213.
  87. [Boardman1973] William W. Boardman, Robert F. Koontz and Henry M. Morris, Science and Creation, Creation-Science Research Center, San Diego, CA, 1973.
  88. [Boakye-Agyemang2022] Collins Boakye-Agyemang, "Healthy life expectancy in Africa rises by almost ten years," ReliefWeb, 4 Aug 2022, available at HTML.
  89. [Bob2012] Yonah Bob, "Archaeologists find first proof of ancient Bethlehem," Jerusalem Post, 23 May 2012, available at HTML.
  90. [Gobhossian2006] Paul Boghossian, Fear of Knowledge: Against Relativism and Constructivism, Oxford University Press, UK, 2006.
  91. [Bohannon2013] John Bohannon, "Who's afraid of peer review?," Science, vol. 342 (2013), pg. 60-65, available at HTML.
  92. [Bohr1987] Niels Bohr, Essays and Papers, 1987, reprinted in Michael Green, Quantum Physics and Ultimate Reality: Mystical Writings of Great Physicists, Amazon Kindle, 13 Aug 2014.
  93. [Borg2001] Marcus J. Borg, Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously but Not Literally, HarperSanFrancisco, 2001.
  94. [Bostrom2008] Nick Bostrom, "Where are they? Why I hope the search for extraterrestrial life finds nothing," MIT Technology Review, May/June 2008, pg. 72-77, available at PDF.
  95. [Bostrom2009] Nick Bostrom, "Observation selection theory and cosmological fine-tuning," 2009, in [Carr2009].
  96. [Boudry2018] Maarten Boudry and Massimo Pigliucci, Science Unlimited? The Challenges of Scientism, University of Chicago Press, 2018.
  97. [Bourton2010] Judy Bourton, "Two killer whale types found in UK waters," BBC News, available at HTML.
  98. [Bousso2009] Raphael Bousso, Lawrence J. Hall, Yasunori Nomura, "Multiverse understanding of cosmological coincidences," Physical Review D, vol. 80 (2009), 063510, available at PDF.
  99. [Bowden1981] M. Bowden, Ape-Men: Fact or Fallacy?, Sovereign Publishers, Bromley, Kent, UK, 1981.
  100. [Boxhorn2004] Joseph Boxhorn, "Observed instances of speciation," TalkOrigins Archive, 2004, available at HTML.
  101. [Boyle2022] Latham Boyle and Neil Turok, "Thermodynamic solution of the homogeneity, isotropy and flatness puzzles (and a clue to the cosmological constant)," ArXiv manuscript, 6 Oct 2022, available at PDF.
  102. [Boyle2024] Rebecca Boyle, "The best neighborhoods for starting a life in the galaxy," Quanta Magazine, 24 Jan 2024, available at HTML.
  103. [Bradford2011] R. A. W. Bradford, "The inevitability of fine tuning in a complex universe," International Journal of Theoretical Physics, vol. 50 (2011), pg. 1577-1601, available at PDF.
  104. [Brahic2012] Catherine Brahic, "Our true dawn: Pinning down human origins," New Scientist, 26 Nov 2012, available at HTML.
  105. [Brannen2015] Peter Brannen, "The death of the dinosaurs," New York Times, 31 Jan 2015, available at HTML.
  106. [Briggs2007] Helen Briggs, "Chimps beat humans in memory test," BBC News, 3 Dec 2007, available at HTML.
  107. [Bromham2016] Lindell Bromham, An Introduction to Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics, Oxford University Press, USA; 2nd UK edition, 2016.
  108. [Brown1991] Donald E. Brown, Human Universals, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991.
  109. [Brown2001] Walt Brown, In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood, Center for Scientific Creation, Phoenix, ZA, 2001.
  110. [Brown2004] P. Brown, T. Sutikna M. J. Morwood, R. P. Soejono, Jatmiko, E. W. Saptomo and R. A. Due, "A new small-bodied hominin from the late pleistocene of Flores, Indonesia," Nature, vol. 431 (28 Oct 2004), pg. 1055-1061.
  111. [Brown2006] Andrew Brown, "Dawkins the dogmatist," Prospect, Oct 2006, available at PDF.
  112. [Brown2009] Richard C. Brown, Are Science and Mathematics Socially Constructed?, World Scientific, New Jersey and London, 2009.
  113. [Brown2010] Erin Brown, "Scientists skeptical about organism said to survive on arsenic," Los Angeles Times, 11 Dec 2010, available at HTML.
  114. [Browne2003] Janet Browne, Noah's Flood, the Ark, and the Shaping of Early Modern Natural History, in [Lindberg2003], pg. 111-138.
  115. [Bryan2014] [no author] "William Jennings Bryan," Wikipedia, not dated but viewed 27 Mar 2022, available at HTML.
  116. [Bubeck2023] Sebastien Bubeck, Varun Chandrasekaran, Ronen Eldan, Johannes Gehrke, Eric Horvitz, Ece Kamar, Peter Lee, Yin Tat Lee, Yuanzhi Li, Scott Lundberg, Harsha Nori, Hamid Palangi, Marco Tulio Ribeiro and Yi Zhang, "Sparks of artificial general intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4," ArXiv, 13 Apr 2023, available at PDF.
  117. [Bullivant2019] Stephen Bullivant, Miguel Farias, Jonathan Lanman and Lois Lee, "Understanding unbelief: Atheists and agnostics around the world," St. Mary's University, Twickenham, London, UK, 2019, available at PDF.
  118. [Burrell2017] Teal Burrell, "A meaning to life: How a sense of purpose can keep you healthy," New Scientist, 25 Jan 2017, available at HTML.
  119. [Burton2018] Krista Burton, "Is astrology religion for those of us with no religion," New York Times, 15 Jun 2018, available at HTML.
  120. [BYUPacket1992] [no author] "Evolution and the origin of man," 1992, Brigham Young University, available at PDF.
  121. [Cafferty2014] Brian J. Cafferty and Nicholas V. Hud, "Abiotic synthesis of RNA in water: a common goal of prebiotic chemistry and bottom-up synthetic biology," Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, vol. 22 (Oct 2014), pg. 146-157.
  122. [Cahn1996] Robert Cahn, "The eighteen arbitrary parameters of the standard model in your everyday life," Reviews of Modern Physics, vol. 68 (1996), pg. 951, available at PDF.
  123. [Call1997] Vaughn R. A. Call and Tim B. Heaton, "Religious influence on marital stability," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 36 (1997), pg. 382-392.
  124. [Callaway2009] Ewen Callaway, "Bigfoot hobbit could be ancient island human," New Scientist, 6 May 2009, available at HTML.
  125. [Callaway2012] Ewen Callaway, "Carbon dating gets a reset," Scientific American, 18 Oct 2012, available at HTML.
  126. [Callaway2013] Ewen Callaway, "Neanderthal settlements point to earlier extinction," Nature News, 4 Feb 2013, available at HTML.
  127. [Callaway2013b] Ewen Callaway, "Hominin DNA baffles experts," Nature, 04 Dec 2013, available at HTML.
  128. [Callaway2022] Ewen Callaway, "What's next for AlphaFold and the AI protein-folding revolution," Nature, 25 Apr 2022, available at HTML.
  129. [Campbell1949] Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, New World Library, 1949.
  130. [Carlson1983] R. W. Carlson, D. R. Hunter and F. Barker, "Sm-Nd age and isotopic systematics of the bimodal suite, ancient gneiss complex, Swaziland," Nature, vol. 305 (20 Oct 1983), pg. 701-704.
  131. [Carr1979] Bernard J. Carr and Martin J. Rees, "The anthropic principle and the structure of the physical world," Nature, vol. 278 (12 Apr 1979), available at PDF.
  132. [Carr2009] Bernard Carr, Universe or Multiverse, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2009.
  133. [Carr2009a] Bernard Carr, "The anthropic principle revisited," 2009, in [Carr2009].
  134. [Carroll2006] Sean B. Carroll, The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution, Quercus, London, 2006.
  135. [Carroll2010] Sean M. Carroll and Heywood Tam, "Unitary evolution and cosmological fine-tuning," manuscript, 8 July 2010, available at PDF.
  136. [Carter1974] Brandon Carter, "Large number coincidences and the anthropic principle in cosmology," in Confrontation of Cosmological Theories with Observation, M. S. Longair, ed., Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1974.
  137. [Carter2009] Brandon Carter, "Micro-anthropic principle for quantum theory," 2009, in [Carr2009].
  138. [Castelvecchi2019] Davide Castelvecchi, "Lab-made primordial soup yields RNA bases," Nature, 4 Oct 2019, available at HTML.
  139. [CDC2017] [no author], "Vaccines do not cause autism," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, undated but viewed 27 Mar 2022, available at HTML.
  140. [CDC2019] [no author] "1991-2019 high school youth risk behavior survey data," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, undated but viewed 20 Nov 2022, available at HTML.
  141. [CDC2023] [no author] "CDC abortion surveillance -- United States, 2021," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 24 Nov 2023, available at HTML.
  142. [Cepelewicz2017] Jordana Cepelewicz, "New bird species arises from hybrids, as scientists watch," Quanta Magazine, 13 Dec 2017, available at HTML.
  143. [Cepelewicz2019] Jordana Cepelewicz, "Origin-of-life study points to chemical chimeras, not RNA," Quanta Magazine, 16 Sep 2019, available at HTML.
  144. [Chamberlin1909] Ralph V. Chamberlin, "The early Hebrew conception of the universe," The White and Blue, vol. 13 (24 Dec 1909), pg. 84-88.
  145. [Chang2017] Kenneth Chang, "7 Earth-size planets orbit dwarf star, NASA and European astronomers say," New York Times, 22 Feb 2017, available at HTML.
  146. [Chang2019] Cindy Chang, "Crime is down in Los Angeles for the first time in five years," Los Angeles Times, 29 Dec 2018, available at HTML.
  147. [ChelaFlores2008] Julian Chela-Flores, "Fitness of the cosmos for the origin and evolution of life: from biochemical fine tuning to the anthropic principle," 2008, in [Barrow2008].
  148. [Chicago1982] [no author], "The Chicago statement of Biblical inerrancy with exposition," 1982, available at HTML.
  149. [Cho2013] Adrian Cho, "Best image of big bang afterglow ever confirms standard cosmology," Science, 21 Mar 2013, available at HTML.
  150. [Choi2015] Charles Q. Choi, "Hobbits were a separate species, ancient chompers show," Scientific American, 19 Nov 2015, available at HTML.
  151. [Choi2022] Charles Q. Choi, "Hubble space telescope spots most distant star ever seen," Scientific American, 30 Mar 2022, available at HTML.
  152. [Chown2016] Marcus Chown, "Life's subatomic secret: How we're cracking the Hoyle state," New Scientist, 19 Oct 2016, available at HTML.
  153. [Clark2022] Don Clark, "U.S. retakes top spot in supercomputer race," New York Times, 30 May 2022, available at HTML.
  154. [Clarke1984] Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future, Henry Holt, New York, 1984.
  155. [Clavelli2006] Louis J. Clavelli and Raymond E. White III, "Problems in a weakless universe," 2006, available at PDF.
  156. [Clergy2011] [no author] "The clergy letter -- from American Christian clergy," not dated but viewed 27 Mar 2022, available at HTML.
  157. [Clery2017] Daniel Clery, "Seven potentially habitable Earth-sized planets spied around tiny nearby star," Science, 22 Feb 2017, available at HTML.
  158. [Clery2024] Daniel Clery, "No place like home," Science, 20 Jun 2024, available at HTML.
  159. [Cliff2024] Harry Cliff, Space Oddities: The Mysterious Anomalies Challenging Our Understanding of the Universe, Doubleday, New York, 2024.
  160. [Cline2007] Eric H. Cline, From Eden to Exile: Unraveling Mysteries of the Bible, National Geographic, 2007.
  161. [Cline2009] Eric H. Cline, Biblical Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2009.
  162. [CNN2000] CNN/Time, "In the beginning; Cap'n Mac; garden of angel," 12 Mar 2000, transcript available at: HTML.
  163. [Cochran1988] John K. Cochran, Leonard Beghley, and E. Wilbur Block, "Religiosity and alcohol behavior: An exploration of reference group therapy," Sociological Forum, vol. 3 (1988), pg. 256-276, available at HTML.
  164. [Coghlan2010a] Andy Coghlan, "Fat lips evolve at record speed," New Scientist, 14 May 2010, available at HTML.
  165. [Coghlan2016] Monkey seen caring for dying mate then grieving after she dies, New Scientist, 23 May 2016, available at HTML.
  166. [Coldewey2022] Devin Coldewey, "Ultima Genomics claims $100 full genome sequencing after stealth $600M raise," Tech Crunch, 31 May 2022, available at HTML.
  167. [Coleman1975] R. J. Coleman, "Biblical inerrancy: Are we going anywhere?," Theology Today, vol. 31 (Jan 1975).
  168. [Collins1981] Harry M. Collins, "Stages in the empirical programme of relativism, Social Studies of Science, vol. 11 (1981), pg. 3-10.
  169. [Collins1993] Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch, The Golem: What Everyone Should Know about Science, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
  170. [Collins2006] Francis S. Collins, The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, Free Press, New York, 2006.
  171. [Collins2018] Lorence G. Collins, "Twenty-one reasons Noah's worldwide flood never happened," Skeptical Inquirer, Apr 2018, available at HTML.
  172. [Comfort2009] Ray Comfort, "Ray Comfort: My apologies ... I was wrong: 'Darwin was racist'!," blog, 1 Oct 2009, available at HTML.
  173. [CompVirus2011] [no author], "Computer virus," Wikipedia article, not dated but viewed 27 Mar 2022, available at HTML.
  174. [ConwayMorris2003] Simon Conway Morris, Life's Solutions: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2003.
  175. [ConwayMorris2005] Simon Conway Morris, "Evolution's driving force," Australian Broadcasting System, 3 Dec 2005, available at HTML.
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